Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CLimi::internal::antichain< A, B, HashA, HashB, CompareA, CompareB >An Antichain of minimal elements
 CLimi::internal::antichain< StateA, StateB >
 CLimi::antichain_algo< ImplementationA, ImplementationB >The classic antichain algorithm compares two automata for language inclusion (no independence relation)
 CLimi::antichain_algo_ind< ImplementationA, InnerImplementationB, Independence >The antichain algorithm compares two automata for language inclusion module an independence relation
 CLimi::automaton< State, Symbol, Implementation >Automata need to inherit from this class and implement certain methods
 CLimi::automaton< std::shared_ptr< meta_state< InnerImplementationB::State_, InnerImplementationB::Symbol_, Independence > >, InnerImplementationB::Symbol_, meta_automaton< InnerImplementationB, Independence > >
 CLimi::internal::meta_automaton< InnerImplementationB, Independence >This automaton presents an automaton up to an independence relation
 CLimi::automaton< unsigned, Symbol, list_automaton< Symbol > >
 CLimi::list_automaton< Symbol >This automaton represents accepts exactly one word
 CLimi::counterexample_chain< Symbol >Represents a list of symbols
 CLimi::dot_printer< State, Symbol, Implementation >Prints automata in dot format
 CLimi::inclusion_result< Symbol >The result of the language inclusion test
 CLimi::independence< Key >The template for the independence relation
 CLimi::internal::meta_state< StateB, Symbol, Independence >A state in the meta-automaton
 CLimi::no_independence< Key >This class simply states that no symbols are independent
 CLimi::printer_base< Key >The printer base is what custom printers need to inherit from
 CLimi::printer< Key >The default implementation of Limi::printer_base
 CLimi::printer_base< InnerImplementationB::Symbol_ >
 CLimi::printer_base< State >
 CLimi::printer_base< Symbol >
 CLimi::printer_base< unsigned >
 CLimi::printer< unsigned >
 CLimi::timbuk_printer< State, Symbol, Implementation, Independence >Prints automata in timbuk format