Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NLimiThe main namespace of the library
 NinternalNamespace for internal classes and functions
 CantichainAn Antichain of minimal elements
 Cmeta_automatonThis automaton presents an automaton up to an independence relation
 Cmeta_stateA state in the meta-automaton
 Cantichain_algoThe classic antichain algorithm compares two automata for language inclusion (no independence relation)
 Cantichain_algo_indThe antichain algorithm compares two automata for language inclusion module an independence relation
 CautomatonAutomata need to inherit from this class and implement certain methods
 Ccounterexample_chainRepresents a list of symbols
 Cdot_printerPrints automata in dot format
 Cinclusion_resultThe result of the language inclusion test
 CindependenceThe template for the independence relation
 Clist_automatonThis automaton represents accepts exactly one word
 Cno_independenceThis class simply states that no symbols are independent
 CprinterThe default implementation of Limi::printer_base
 Cprinter_baseThe printer base is what custom printers need to inherit from
 Ctimbuk_printerPrints automata in timbuk format